YME Foundation
April 26, 2024

Hjelp Yme å produsere fornybar energi i Somalia

[English version below]
Kjære Yme venn

Professor Adow skolen i Galkayo har så langt utdannet fler enn 1000 studenter der mer enn 90% har fått jobb. Vi har også nådd langt med likestilling: i 2019 var 42% av alle studenter på skolen jenter. Vi bygger nå ut skolen slik vi kan tilby flere yrkesfag og gi flere studenter en mulighet til jobb og bedre fremtidsutsikter. Studenter kan ta 12 måneders kurs som en del av en treårig utdannelse.

sun1-big-37731.jpgDet er viktig å gi studenter reel erfaring. Vi ønsker derfor  å montere solcellepaneler på taket slik vi kan forsyne skolen med egenprodusert fornybar energi.

Montering og vedlikehold utføres av studenter fra skolens nye “Fornybar energi tekniker utdanning (sol, vind, bio)”. Samtidig vil fornybar energi redusere driftskostandene betydelig for skolen,

Vi trenger din hjelp! 
Med din donasjon sikrer vi
  • at skolen har strøm nok til undervisning, workshops og administrasjon, 
  • at det er produsert miljøvennlig og bærekraftig 
  • at elevene får reel erfaring med bygging og vedlikehold av moderne og avanserte solkraft anlegg
  • at driftskostnadene ved skolen reduseres kraftig

Doner på www.sunroofproject.org


Dear Yme friend!

The Professor Adow school in Galkayo has so far graduated more than 1000 students from which 90% have jobs or are self-employed. We have also made significant progress with regards to gender equaliy: in 2019 we had 42% female students at the school. We are now expanding the school to be able to offer more courses/vocational subjects and a possibility for job and improved future perspectives, to even more students. The courses have a duration of 12 months each and can be compiled into a three year qualified craftsman education.

sun1-big-37731.jpgIt is important to give students real-life experience. We therefore want to install solar power on the roof of the school, in order to supply classrooms, workshops and administration with self-produced, renewable energy.

Installation and maintenance of the solar power system will be done by students from the schools new "Renewable Energy Technician" education. At the same time the renewable energy production will mean a significant reduction in the ongoing operational costs for the school.

We need your help!
With your donation we can ensure
  • that the school has sufficient electricity for its classrooms, workshops and administration
  • that the electricity is produced in a sustainable, environmental friendly way
  • that the students will get real-life experience with installation and maintenance of advanced solar power systems
  • that the operational costs for the school will be significantly reduced

Donate now on: www.sunroofproject.org

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