Our Partners

TVET+ cultivates innovative collaborations and strategic partnerships with entities that can help us achieve our goals of enhancing skills, create more and better jobs and result in improved quality of life. Here we present the partnerships for the six year TVET+ programme in Somalia.

Founding partners:

KfW - Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau

KfW Development Bank supports development programmes and thus future prospects in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Southeast Europe. KfW is both an experienced bank and a development institution with financing expertise, expert knowledge of development policy and many years of national and international experience. On behalf of the German Federal Government, and primarily the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), KfW finances and supports programmes and projects in developing countries, emerging economies and increasingly also in countries affected by conflict. The goal of KfW is to assist their partner countries in creating better living conditions, while protecting the climate and the environment at the same time.

KfW is continually expanding their global presence to ensure they can cooperate closely with their partners. In addition to their offices in Frankfurt, Berlin and Brussels, KfW also has foreign offices in almost 70 countries. KfW has granted 13 mio EUR to the TVET+ programme.

More info about KfW on: https://www.kfw.de/kfw.de-2.html


Implementation Partners


Yme Foundation
Yme Foundation is the Project Executing Agency (PEA). Yme has a long history working in the humanitarian and development field. It was founded on the belief that idealistic professionals and volunteers can ease the situation of the poorest through the responsible use of science and technology. Yme was born in the late 1980s by a group of specialists in geology, hydrology and engineering. They came together with a vision to contribute to the development of rural areas in Africa. In 1993 Yme registered as a Norwegian humanitarian organisation.

Yme Foundation specialises in Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET), WASH, disaster risk reduction and peacebuilding in Somalia upon invitation from NorSom (the Norwegian Somali diaspora) and with authorisation of the Somali governing authorities. In Somalia, Yme works in partnership with its local partner in Somalia, GSA, to realise positive outcomes for citizens affected by humanitarian crisis, supporting WASH projects and running a Technical Vocational Training School in South Galkayo. The consortium of Yme/GSA/NorSom was established in Somalia 2006 with a program in water supply rehabilitation.
Yme’s main office is situated in Arendal, Norway. Yme is also registered as an NGO in Somalia. Yme has received funding from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, NORAD, UNCHR (Angola), UNOCHA (Somalia), the Angolan Government and contributions from companies such as Statoil Hydro and Aker Kværner.

More information on yme on: https://www.yme.no
GSA - Gurmad for Sustainable Aid
Gurmad for Sustainable Aid (GSA) is a Somali humanitarian and non-governmental organization. GSA relieves the suffering of those affected by war, natural disaster and disease in Somalia, by providing life-saving assistance, working with communities in urban and rural areas, isolated villages, IDP’s camps and disaster sites. GSA provides access to safe drinking water and improves the sanitation and hygiene, technical education and assist in promoting peace and good governance among the affected communities. GSA was established in 1992 under the name ‘General Service Agency’, in 2017, the organization changed to its current name Gurmad for Sustainable Aid (GSA).

More about Gsa on: http://gsa.org.so/

Strategic Partners


Green Currency
GC was formed based on direct experience from due dilligence for international investors through several renewable energy projects where we have helped raise funds and experienced the value of close a relationship to stakeholders. We have experience from developing countries, both technical, market, finance and from a development perspective.

GC has joined forces with our strategic partner yme foundation to develop the “Stakeholder Investors Platform” (SIP) in order to apply crowdfunding techniques and -tech to professionalize involvement of diaspora communities in developing countries.

More about Green Currency on: https://www.green-currency.com/

Norad is the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation. We do the quality-assurance of Norwegian Development Cooperation.

The Agency is a directorate under the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In matters regarding Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI), Norad reports to the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment.

Norad’s functions are laid down in the agency’s terms of references and annual letters of allocation issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Climate and Environment.

More about NORAD on: https://norad.no/en/front/