Developing societies need energetic young people who wants to create positive changes to everyday life, for themselves and their families. To succeed they need a practical education within an area /speciality that is in demand. This is why Yme Foundation build schools and educational centers based on the TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) philosophy. This gives ghem the practical tools they need, to provide for themselves, their families and the local community.
Prof Adow In order to achieve stable growth and employment creation, it is necessary to build a workforce with sound skills and thereby lift the companies to a higher technical level. Somalia was planning to transit from the emergency phase to long term development phase and there was a need to provide vocational training to young people and other members of the community who did not have the opportunity to continue with education - and to provide them with means to access employment opportunities.
Out of this necessity grewProfessor Adow TVET center (Prof Adow) in 2013 - as a product of a long partnership between Yme Foundation (Yme), Gurmad for Sustainable Aid (GSA) and NorSom organization (NorSom). Prof Adow has established a solid reputation as an institution of excellence and quality. The local community, local authorities, diaspora community and development partners hold it in high esteem and value its services.
Since its opening in 2013, Prof Adow has had an intake of new students every year and has to date graduated more than 1,000 students. In 2019 an impressive 42% of students were women. Ninety percent (90%) of graduates are estimated to be in gainful employment.
TVET+ Programme
Prof Adow has become the pilot project in the big TVET+ programme that will establish educational centers with integrated business hubs, in several locations in Somalia. The programme Is funded by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through KfW Development Bank and implemented by Yme Foundation and GSA in close partnership with the Somali Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. The initial phase has a duration of 5 years, with a budgetframe of 15 mio €,
The approach is bottom-up or step-by step. It builds on the existing Prof. Adow Training Centre, which is being expanded physically + content-wise and more formalized with regard to company-relations, upgrading and training of its teaching staff etc. Subsequently the establishment of a second hub and third hub in Jowhar and Baidoa will be initiated.
In addition to technical training, the hubs will offer ABE/foundational skills and life skills as per need, entrepreneurship training, a business incubator and socio-cultural activities. The hubs are well embedded in the local community and have close relationships and exchange with the business community. A key element of the concept is to develop a “business model” for the hubs that allow generating income, yet without crowding out the private sector.
Yme is also present in other parts of Africa such as in Mozambique where Centro de Formacao profissional de Vilankulo opened its doors in June 2010. Training of the teachers was done in South Africa, followed up by an intensive training period at teh school in Vilanculo. (Since teachers were not familiar with teaching in front of groups and classes, mean there was a need to train them in the methodology within pedagogical processes.
With its professional training within trades such as welding, bricklaying, plumming, IT and ceramics, the school became very famous and today youth travel up to 800 km to attend the classes. In average around half the graduates end up employeed in businesses and industry, while the rest either open up their own businesses or work within other areas.
The school is being used as training facility for other TVET centers in Africa and has a strong network with other educational institutions.